About MJR
MJR grew out of consultations held after the multi-ethnic riots in Tottenham and other areas in 2011. The charity was launched on 23rd September 2015, followed in November by a presentation in the House of Lords. Its aim is to raise awareness of the legacies of colonial slavery and industrial exploitation by gathering existing and commissioning new research, making the findings known through educational projects and seeking to resolve injustice, promote wellbeing and encourage community reconciliation in new and innovative ways.
MJR is a Christian organisation. We believe it is God's unconditional, loving intention that all people, regardless of background, beliefs, ethnicity, gender or sexuality, should have the right to justice, dignity, skills, equality and a chance to work and hope for the future.
Shalom is a frequently occurring term in the Bible used to express the outcome of this desire. Usually translated as "peace", this Hebrew word denotes a deep sense of wellbeing in body, mind and spirit. It is a concept common to the three great Abrahamic Faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
It is our belief that denial of access to those rights and that shalom through limited opportunity or oppression is a violation of God's intention. Such has been the legacy of colonial slavery and industrial exploitation.
The members of MJR are drawn from a number of organisations across the UK involved in Christian service and ministry, particularly in our inner-cities, and/or research into issues relevant to the problems encountered in such areas.