200 years of silence and historical amnesia has kept the wider British public in ignorance of the facts and effects of colonial slavery overseas and industrial oppression in Britain – both the suffering caused and the benefits it created. In short: these legacies impact us all. MJR's vision is to
• highlight injustices and raise awareness • grow national collective understanding, with sharing and creation of information, ideas and research to address legacy issues • be a stimulus to existing local community-led projects and a catalyst to inspire new ones Recognition, Regret, Reform, Reconciliation. MJR was launched on 23rd September 2015, followed in November by a presentation in the House of Lords. It will gather existing and commission new research, make the findings known through educational projects and seek to resolve injustice, promote wellbeing and encourage community reconciliation in new and innovative ways.
EthosMJR is a Christian organisation. We believe it is God's unconditional, loving intention that all people, regardless of background, beliefs, ethnicity, gender or sexuality, should have the right to justice, dignity, skills, equality and a chance to work and hope for the future.
WorkThe work of MJR comes under three headings.