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An article and video from US network CNN on the situation of Black nurses in the NHS. One of those interviewed said she feels she's been fighting "two battles at once: Racism and coronavirus". Each of 12 nurses interviewed said they acted without hesitation when faced with the challenge of the Coronavirus virus; each of them was putting their life at increased risk, simply through being Black. Minorities make up about 20% of England's NHS medical workforce, but early analysis shows they have accounted for 60% of healthcare worker deaths due to the virus, according to media reports. One in five of all nurses across England are from Black or minority ethnic backgrounds, but about 95% of executive directors of nursing are white, according to a 2019 report from NHS England. The interviewees speak of higher chances of being put on the front line than white colleagues, and of poor levels of adequate PPE (a survey by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) showed that "only 43% of BAME nursing staff had enough eye and face protection equipment.") They also speak of a reluctance to complain due to fear of being seen as a trouble-maker or lazy. All evidence of systemic racism in the NHS.
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