As a Christian, Oyelowo speaks of his shock at how quiet the Church has been "in the midst of literally the largest protests this country has ever seen as it pertains to race" and his disgust at the Church’s "lack of energy behind this movement at the moment from a place of repentance". While finding the last few weeks very challenging he is encouraged by seeing "more Christ-like behavior in the streets from protestors who may not even profess to be Christians".
Oyelowo states "there is something wrong in and with America, and the Church is tied into that. For me, nothing would be more incredible than the Church coming together and having a day of repentance — making Juneteenth a day where we as Christians go, 'Dear God, forgive us for the foundational sin on which this country was built. Help us to be better going forward than we have been in the past.'".
Read the full interview here.