If you’re a white, working-class boy, you’re less likely than anybody else in Britain to go to university.”
These were the statements of the new Prime Minister Theresa May outside number 10 Downing Street on the day of her appointment. These are issues that are being researched by the Movement for Justice and Reconciliation. We recognise them as legacies of colonial slavery and industrial exploitation so we welcome the fact that we have a Prime Minister who at least recognises some of the injustices that are embedded in our unequal society.
We welcome the statement by Prime Minister Theresa May, “The Government I lead will be driven not by the interests of the privileged few but by yours.”
It is our hope that the new Government will not only recognise the issues of injustice in the nation but will actively initiate policies that will result in systemic change to deal with these injustices. MJR pledge support for all measures that will actually change the structures of society in a way that will provide equal opportunity for those who have, for too long, been marginalised in our nation.
In November 2016 we will be publishing the results of a research programme that deals with some of the issues recognised by Mrs May which we hope will make a substantive contribution to understanding these issues and providing a basis for dealing with them.
Read the letter to Mrs May from MJR.